2022 – Out With The Old

From Chateau KittyCat

There were happy days . . .

But we lost our littlest angel.

Feisty from the first
She had Ollie from the start
And quickly conquered Mt. Vinnie
Izzy always loved the outdoors
She was happy with her family
She thrived.
Then the losses began . . . Uncle Vinnie
And Ollie, beloved of us all.
Then the boys filled ALL the empty spaces.
But still more loss to adjust to
And someone(?) even mashed her ear!
But she remained, always, our little love.
Three legs are enough.
Back to the Mallwalk & Taiji

Back to the mountains & important friendships

Reader's Group 2022
Tides of Mind
Ball Lightning
Children of Time
How the South Won the Civil War
Beyond Biodiversity
Gravity’s Rainbow
Starry Messenger
The Magician’s Assistant

Life goes on . . .

Wishing you Peace & Much Love

kristen, Bobby & the Boys